Here are my blogs..

  1. 11:11

  2. December 05, 2020

    There are many levels on which to explain 11:11. I’ll start with the most basic physically observable level and move up from there.This will take a bit of explaining..

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  3. The Theory of Relativity

  4. December 05, 2020

    The theory of relativity, revealed by Albert Einstein, is separated into two distinc theories: general relativity and special relativity. These two theories are based on the Principle of relativity; this principal states that, whatever referential you occupy, the laws of physics will never change? For example, if you are in a train that passes through a train station, whatever you will do in your referential (the train), an observer on the platform in the station doing the same thing you are doing will obtain the same results in his referential (the platform).

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